Category Archives: General

How to add a non-Amazon book to your Kindle

Occasionally, I get books sent to me outside of the Amazon system that I’d like to read on my Kindle or on my Kindle app on my phone. If you ever get an eBook that can be read on a Kindle (a mobi file), but you didn’t buy it from Amazon, you’ll need to moveContinue Reading

Why You Need an Amazon AuthorCentral Page

Why You Need an Amazon AuthorCentral Page

If you are an author with a book on Amazon (even if it is a co-authored book) you can set up an AuthorCentral page. These pages function as a mini-website about you and your work on Amazon. Anytime someone is looking at a book listing on Amazon, the author of the book is listed withContinue Reading

7 Tips for Using Copyrighted Material in Your Book

7 Tips for Using Copyrighted Material in Your Book

“Can’t I quote someone if I just give them credit?”  This is an often-asked question from authors.  I think a lot of confusion comes from past experiences in academic writing.  When you write a research paper in school it is expected that you will quote other people’s ideas and the requirement is to give creditContinue Reading

Editing Notes: Em Dashes, En Dashes and Hyphens

Editing Notes: Em Dashes, En Dashes and Hyphens

An em dash is a typesetting term that means a dash that is the approximate length of the width of the letter m in the font being used (there is also an en dash that is the width of the letter n).  Grammatically there is a difference in the use of a hyphen and anContinue Reading

Optimal eBook Pricing Strategy

Optimal eBook Pricing Strategy

I attended the virtual Non-Fiction Writers Conference last year hosted by Stephanie Chandler.  As always (this was my 3rd year to participate) the conference was FULL of excellent information.  The conference is coming up next week so I’ll be sure to share some of what I learn. One of the speakers we heard from MarkContinue Reading